Present Continuous (Progressive, always)
3rd rule!
With ‘always’ or ‘constantly’ to express a) exaggeration or b) irritation over a repeated action or to show that c) it happens more often than normal.
Task 1
Complete the sentences with the following verbs in the present continuous form:
Try, pick on, ask, give, get(2), play, be(3), walk, look for, try(2), think(2), compare, scrutinize, talk, travel, fidget, rush about, consult, argue.
- People put a lot of emphasis on appearance, so I always………………. to prove that I’m not a little child with a deep voice.
- He always ……………………… of himself even when we don’t have much ourselves. He’s a special dad, and I’m glad he’s mine!
- “ I always ………………………. requests to join someone’s list of friends, but I don’t have an account, so I can’t.”
- “She always…………………….. you,” he says to James.
- “ I always …………………….. my parents why they don’t trust me when I want to go out with a group of friends.
- “My music almost always ……………………… —even when I’m cleaning, cooking, running errands, or studying.”
- I feel as if I constantly ……………………. looked at.
- Does it feel as if you always………………………. through a minefield in which any step could set off an explosive dispute?
- Likewise, if you constantly………………………… your notes, you will lose audience contact.
- This example shows that if we always ……………………..about things we cannot change in our life, we will get discouraged.
- Judith, a mother from South Africa, exclaims: “ We constantly ………………………. bombarded with new products, better technology, and more services!”
- They always ……………………. to get me to join them.
- Like ants on an anthill, they constantly …………………, and they have little time for reflection or for one another.
- Because they can’t sit still or constantly ………………., young people with RLS (restless legs syndrome) are frequently labeled as “hyperactive.”
- “We have everything we need and more,” she says, “but my dad is never home because he always ……………………….
- He always ……………………… into trouble?
- This does not mean that he constantly………………………, that he speaks very rapidly, or that he speaks without thinking.
- But does this mean that he constantly……………………. what we are doing?
- Why I always …………………….. compared with others?
- I realized that I always ………………………... myself with the best students in my class.
- I always ………………… about money?
- I always …………………. to be better than others?
- I constantly ……………………….. perfection, and this leads to impatience, frustration, and disappointment.”
- Why we always ……………………….?
Task 2
Match sentence numbers with the meanings of always/constantly in the present continuous:
Task 3
Find the following phrases:
Низкий голос; попасть в беду; доказать; говорить не подумав; «атаковать» новыми продуктами; говорить быстро; выделять время и силы для других; ерзать; синдром беспокойных ног; часто называют; получать заявку; рассматривать; «бегать» по делам; пойти погулять с группой друзей; придираться; мало времени на размышление; как муравьи в муравейнике; ходить по минному полю; он вечно в разъездах; присоединиться к списку друзей; мы будем обескуражены; заглядывать в записи; потерять зрительный контакт с аудиторией; каждый шаг может запустить взрывоопасный спор; уделять слишком много внимания внешности; только то и делает, что говорит.
Task 4
- Он вечно думает о деньгах!
- Он все время проверяет, чем мы занимаемся!
- Папа вечно выделяет время и силы на других!
- Ты вечно ерзаешь!
- Мы все время ходим по минному полю!
- Почему он все время заглядывает в записи?
- Я все время бегаю «по делам».
- Ты постоянно пытаешься доказать, что ты лучше других!
- Папа вечно в разъездах!
- Ты вечно быстро говоришь!
- Ты все время попадаешь в беду!
- Тебе кажется (чувствуешь), что тебя все время рассматривают?
- Почему ты вечно придираешься ко мне?
- Она все время болтает!
Task 5
Pay attention:
Frustrated - feeling annoyed and impatient because you cannot do or achieve what you want.
It's very easy to get frustrated in this job.
His apathy just made her even more frustrated.
Disappointed - upset because something you hoped for has not happened or been as good, successful, etc. as you expected
disappointed (at/by something) They were bitterly disappointed at the result of the game.
I was disappointed by the quality of the wine.
disappointed (in/with somebody/something) I'm disappointed in you—I really thought I could trust you!
I was very disappointed with myself.
disappointed (to see, hear, etc.) He was disappointed to see she wasn't at the party
.disappointed (that…) I’m disappointed (that) it was sold out.
disappointed (not) to be… She was disappointed not to be chosen.
Impatient - annoyed or irritated by somebody/something, especially because you have to wait for a long time
I'd been waiting for twenty minutes and I was getting impatient.
impatient (with somebody/something) Try not to be too impatient with her.
impatient (at something) Sarah was becoming increasingly impatient at their lack of interest.
An impatient driver behind me sounded his horn.
He waved them away with an impatient gesture.
· wanting to do something soon; wanting something to happen soon
impatient to do something She was clearly impatient to leave.
impatient for something impatient for change
· impatient of somebody/something (formal) unable or unwilling to accept something unpleasantimpatient of criticism